La tua vita non passera

Dupa cum spune si numele, viata nu trece doar asa pentru noi toti. Voi incerca sa imi prezint perspectiva asupra vietii, in general, privita atat din tara cat si din strainatate. Mesajul meu sper sa fie clar, onest, plin de demnitate si respect pe de o parte, iar pe de alta parte sa sensibilizeze spiritele umane...


I will try to explain just one thing "friendship". This word is so strong for me and also very important because I am the person from this moment just cause I believed in friends. A true friend is a person who is always there for you without questions, she/he listens you just because she/he wants to be part of your happiness or sadness, she/he wants for you all the best. I also believe that if you do a good thing for somebody, you don't have anything to lose, just to win.

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